

Apache PageKit

14 bytes added, 01:39, April 24, 2006
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We'll go over those in a minute.
Finally, the Content is a bullet lodged into the back of PageKit's brain, the kind you can't pull out or else you'll bleed to death. The Content makes me hate PageKit. A Content file is required for every web page. Now in theory, Content is supposed to be XML files with information that doesn't change much, like a policy or a static list, which is interpolated into the View templates. But XML is probably the least human-friendly data encoding language I know, so in reality everybody just sticks their "Content" straight into the View templates. But even if a page does not use anything from the XML file, ''it still has to have an XML file or else the site will break.'' If you learn that principle, if you write it on the ceiling above your ceiling bed and memorize it, you will save yourself much suffering.
Ok, let's talk a little bit more in-depth about all of these pieces. Well, not the Content, I've said everything I want to say about that.