

Co-op Room Draw

50 bytes added, 17:32, February 13, 2007
no edit summary
Everyone: Draw #'s are in, last year everyone threw up their rank, # of people in their pick group, and eventually their intentions on where to pick in. Contribute if you'd like, just edit the page and I think it should work out. Great!
1)1 unknown yet lucky person
2) Anne Royston, Ariel Heyman, Dav Wright, Andrew Douglas, Henry Burton.
3)3 people
4)5 people
5) Ben Sykes, Dan golub, Sunny haft, Paul Reyns, Jared oubre, Nicholas Nottebohm
8) Crew Guys, 12: Ideally would like Chadbourne or Woodbridge
9) Morgan West + more, 8guys