

Focus the Nation

904 bytes removed, 00:50, January 18, 2008
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==Action at Williams==
===The Williams event will take place on WednesdayTuesday, February 5th, 2008===
* The one day symposium will involve class discussions, talks and debates, a keynote speaker and community based engagement. In 2008 the nation will begin the process of voting for a new president, and we feel this is an excellent opportunity to establish global warming as a major national political issue.
* At Williams we are asking professors to dedicate time to leading a discussion on global warming, either as it relates to their field or how simply as they see it as a person.
==Schedule of the Day==
(subject to slight revision)FOCUS THE NATION11:20-12:35- Workshops: Local initiatives- Williamstown COOL (Carbon diOxide Lowering) CommitteeTUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH 2008 Craig Robertson, Hank Art, Center for Ecological Technology (CET) BMW and green automobile technology1:10-2:25- Workshops: Insurance and Advertising- Travelers insurance and Dwell Advertising Eco-Discrimination- West Virginia Mountaintop Removal and Sustainable South Bronx2:35-3:50- Workshops: Green Buildings- a conversation with North and South Academic building architects Politics and Grassroots- Will Bates: Bali Youth Delegate'''For the full schedule, Morgan Goodwin: Massachusetts Youth Climate Action (MYCA)4:00-5click [http:30- Town Hall Forum moderated by Sarah Gardner and Amy Johns President Schapiro, Steve Klass (V//docs.Pgoogle. of operations), Bill Lenhart (Provost), Karen Merrill (Dean), Irene Addison (Facilities), Stephanie Boyd (Sustainability Office)7:30-9:00- Keynote Speaker Christopher Flavin, President of the Worldwatch Institutecom/Doc?id=ddnzgd9_7gbg4pkdr here]'''
* '''Deal with Global Warming in an intelligent way. ''' This is not a simple or black and white issue, it deserves enlightened discussion.* '''Involve Lots of People. ''' This concerns all of humanity and Focus the Nation will provide an environment for large scale discussions by lots and lots of people. This issue is not an environmental issue but a societal and environmental issue which means the discussions of how to deal with it should happen between people from all different backgrounds and beliefs. * '''Make the Issue More Political. ''' The event will occur early in the political primary season, it provides an opportunity to engage political candidates from across the country and at all levels of government in campus-based, non-partisan discussions of climate solutions.
==Professor Support==
# [[Adrian Mintzmyer]] '09
# [[Ruby Dale-Brown]] '09
# [[John KlienerKleiner]], English# [[Sara Sarah Gardner]], [[Environmental Studies]]
# [[Stephanie Boyd]], [[Facilities]]
# [[Chris Warren]], [[OIT]]