

Fist pounds

939 bytes added, 19:06, February 29, 2008
Genghis Pound
Start with an innocent enough pound, but proceed to scream incoherently until they put you away.
== Expound # Pound == Hold right arm up in front of you as if about to swing down a hammer. Cross left arm over right arm with wrist just above the right elbow. Partner arranges arms in same position except with left wrist placed just below the right wrist. The two of you together then make contact to make a # sign. Points of contact should be left elbow and right wrist for you, left elbow and right elbow for partner. == Ex-Pound ==
Pound normally, but narrate the entire exchange and pontificate on the origins of the pound to any present bystanders.
== Genghis Pound ==
Start with a normal enough pound, then rape/slaughter the other participant.
== George W. Pound ==
== 24 Pounds ==
A pound performed with Teague Murphy, the precocius precocious 1 year-old pound master of Williamstown, Massachusetts. The name comes from Teague's present weight (that's a lot of poundage per pound!).
Some people have suggested that "24 Pounds" could also be known as "Pound of Baby".
Execute an exploding pound while reciting Pound's poem "Salutation."
==If a tree falls in the woods and no one's there to hear it, does it make a pound?==
Go into a forest and pound a small tree until it falls over.
==Pound of Tea==
Begin as if for a normal right handed pound, but lift your pinky fingers and pound with the remaining three fingers, with a similar configuration to a proper teacup-grip.
==Pound Check==
Execute a normal pound, but at first contact, say "testing" and tap fists rhythmically while one person says "one...two...three." Repeat as necessary, adjusting volume.
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