


456 bytes added, 15:30, May 19, 2010
no edit summary
The Springstreakers made a strong appearance at the freshmen Jamboree in Chapin Hall. Some estimated this was the group's largest streak ever, but most agree it was the boldest. The streak was made directly after [[Good Question]] and right before [[Combo Za]] performed.
ESP: 600
== May 2010 ==
Found on WSO [ WSO Discussion Thread]:
Samantha Demby, May 18, 2010
dear anonymous naked person who i accidentally tripped with my protruding chair on the third floor of sawyer:
i'm so sorry! i didn't see who you were or how you took the fall, but by the time i looked over you were sprawled out ass skyward. i really hope all pain was foreclosed by lovely library carpeting.
== See also ==