

Killing As Organized Sport

70 bytes added, 14:46, November 30, 2023
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[[Image:Nerfwar.jpg|thumb|right|KAOS alums pose together in [[Bronfman Science Center|Bronfman]] during [[Homecoming]] 2007 after a few rounds similar to KAOS's [[#Endgame|final round]].]]
A campus-wide game that takes place during Winter Study, Killing As Organized Sport (KAOS) is a proud Williams tradition [[Category:Tradition|tradition]] (started by [[Danniel Arramini]] '84 and associates) that brings students closer together through the magic of paranoia, assassination, and psychological warfare.KAOS was absorbed by [[WARP]] in 1990. In recent years, [[ACE]] has put on KAOS under the new title of "Nerf Game."
The basic idea of KAOS is simple. Each player receives a weapon and a target to hunt. Annoying constraints such as lawsuits and noise complaints from elderly Williamstown inhabitants prevent us from using actual firearms. These are replaced by silent, non-lethal plastic guns of dubious South-East Asian origin. In any case, each player is being hunted by another player. If you are killed by your hunter, you are out of the game. If you survive and make your kills, you live. Eventually, only one player remains.
The hunted are not without defenses against the hunter, however. If one manages to ascertain which player is trying to eliminate them, the former can shoot in the latter and "stun" them, preventing them from engaging in further aggressive behavior for a fair span of time (12 hours in the case of the 2007 game, 24 in past games).
Needless to say, the [ [#Rules|complete rules]] are far more technical and complex.