

Cap and Bells

7 bytes added, 23:15, May 12, 2024
On the Issue of "Longest Continuously Running Student Theatre Group
==On the Issue of "Longest Continuously Running Student Theatre Group==
If one is to go to the webpage of Georgetown University's Student Theatre Society, Mask and Bauble, one will see that <i>they</i> claim to be the "oldest continuously running student theatre group." However, if one is to then navigate to their "History" page, one will see the following quote:
"After a brief period of <b><i>dormancy</i></b> during World War I, the club reorganized under the name of the Mask and Bauble Dramatic Society" (emphasis added), thereby demonstrating that Mask and Bauble has not operated continuously since before World War I. Cap & Bells, however, continued to operate during the Great War, thereby making <i>it</i> the longest continuously running student theatre group.