


49 bytes removed, 09:53, June 25, 2024
edits are nice
! Presidents
| Ryan Crants Elias Devadoss '2425, Peter Miles Ben Zobian '2427
! Music Directors
| Carl May '25, Cooper Johnson Alex Moon '2627
! Membership:
'''Brief:''' The Springstreeters, est. 1980 are an all-male and non-binary [[a cappella]] group, hailing from Williamstown, Massachusetts, the epicenter of the world. Taking regular tours and road trips all over the East Coast (with occasional excursions to archipelagos in the Central Pacific), the group is always eager to share their music.
Ryan CrantsElias Devadoss, Bass (President)
Peter MilesNate Kim, Tenor II (President)
Sean MorrisseyCarl May, Tenor IIBaritone (Music Director)
Charles YangHimal Pandey, BassBaritone
Elias DevadossJacob Casper, Bass Baritone (TreasurerBusiness Manager, Interim Social Chair)
Nate KimThomas Huckans, Tenor II (Social MediaBusiness Manager)
Carl MayManuel Lemus, Baritone (Music Director) Himal Pandey, Baritone (Social Chair)Tenor II
Jacob CasperAlex Moon, Baritone (Business ManagerMusic Director, Interim Social Chair)
Thomas HuckansJason Rivera, Tenor II I (Business ManagerTreasurer)
Cooper JohnsonWyatt Soule, Tenor I Baritone (Music Directoron leave)
Manuel LemusBen Zobian, Tenor IIBass (President)
Alex Moon, Baritone Jason Rivera, Tenor I Wyatt Soule, Baritone Ben Zobian, Bassit ain't fall yet
Check out our homepage for more information:
The Springstreeters also served as the inspiration for the name of the former Williams College streaking team, the [[Springstreakers]], and the Waterstreeters, another a former all-male a cappella group.