


10 bytes added, 09:14, November 2, 2005
The Summer 2004 Season
After a resolution made a year prior to spend a summer together in Williamstown, the friends (and foes) lived for 2 months on bustling Spring Street from mid-June to mid-August 2004. The first 2 weeks of summer found Zach bunking on Jonathan’s floor in Morgan East while Zach’s apartment over Helen’s Place was getting sterilized from the [[football]] team’s contamination the previous year. This situation allowed for the heated rivalry of 2003-2004 to go straight into an overtime, so both players' skills stayed sharp for the real, and final, season senior year.
Games were played both in Morgan East during bridge club nights and at the apartment over Helen’s Place, once Zach had moved in. The combination of enormous amounts of free time (Jonathan frequently did not start work until 2 pm and Zach was largely unemployed) and the presence of cribbage boards in the Helen’s Place apartment drew a few more casual players to the game, especially Emily Russell-Roy ’06 and Dave Weimer ’06, who seemed to have a rivalry of their own heating up.
A modest total of 29 games was played over the summer, but looking back it was these games that allowed for the frenzy of senior year games to reach an amazing cribbage milestone. It was agreed before the start of play that the summer would not count toward the “years won” tally, so Jonathan remained behind 2 years to 1 going into the final year, still with the chance to even the epic struggle. Interestingly, only 2 skunks were recorded, one per man, as it appeared both competitors were happy simply to play cribbage over the summer and less concerned about piling up points at the end of games.
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