

Books you're welcome to borrow

24,039 bytes added, 21:07, November 8, 2005
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Obviously, [[Schow Science Library|Schow]] and [[Sawyer Library|Sawyer]] are the best places to find books on campus. You can even search their [ online catalog] without putting on shoes. But it gets pretty chilly around here, and sometimes it'd be nice if you knew that someone in your dorm owned a book you were looking for so you didn't have to put on 8 layers of clothes and brave the cold. Here are books owned by people who are willing to share them, and their locations. Feel free to list your own.

Sorry they're out of order to begin with. However: you can click on a column to sort on that column. Neat, huh.

{| class="sortable" id="books-table"
! author||title||location
|EUGENE O'NEILL||Three Plays||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|William Shakespeare||Macbeth||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|HEDRICK SMITH||Power Game||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Terry Teachout||The Skeptic||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Niccolo Machiavelli||The Prince and The Discourses||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|BILL BRYSON||I'm a Stranger Here Myself||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Edward Purcell||Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. II||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|William Shakespeare||Henry V||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|James D. Watson||The Double Helix||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Mary Fulbrook||History of Germany 1918-2000||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Peter Fritzsche||Reading Berlin 1900||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|RAYMOND CHANDLER||The Long Goodbye||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Herman Melville||Moby-Dick or The Whale||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Lewis and Papadimitriou||Elements of the Theory of Computation||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Thomas Hobbes||Leviathan||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|William Least Heat-Moon||Blue Highways||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|||Michelin THE GREEN GUIDE Germany, 3e||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Kenneth Reek||Pointers on C||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Joseph Kerman, Gary Tomlinson||Listen-- Brief Fourth Edition||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|John Sharp, Jon Jagger||Microsoft Visual C# .NET Step by Step||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|FREDERICK COPLESTON||History of Philosophy, Volume 5||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|FREDERICK COPLESTON||History of Philosophy, Volume 7||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Rudyard Kipling||Kim||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Allen Mandelbaum||The Aeneid of Virgil||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Aaron Copland||What to Listen for in Music||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|William Shakespeare||HENRY IV PART 1||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Ronald Takaki||A Different Mirror||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Harold Bloom||How to Read and Why||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Mark Twain||Adventures of Huckleberry Finn||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Karl Marx, Frederick Engels||The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Michael I. Meyerson||Political Numeracy||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Gerard De Nerval||Selected Writings||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Charles I. Freundlich||Review Text in Latin Three and Four Years||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|WALKER PERCY||The Moviegoer||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Gustave Flaubert, Douglas Parmee||A Sentimental Education||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Sophocles||The Oedipus Cycle||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe||The Sufferings of Young Werther||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Jean-Jacques Rousseau||The Social Contract and Discourses||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Alexander Solzhenitsyn||Gulag Archipelago||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Kurt Vonnegut||Cat's cradle||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Sinclair Lewis||Babbit||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Edwin A. Abbott||Flatland||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|WILLIAM FAULKNER||The Reivers||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Buck Tilton||Backcountry First Aid and Extended Care, 4th||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Joyce Carol Oates, Robert Atwan||The Best American Essays of the Century||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Peter Schneider, Leigh Hafrey||The Wall Jumper||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Jonathan Swift||Gulliver's Travels and Other Writings||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE||On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Williams Outing Club||North Berkshire Outdoor Guide||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Plato||Republic of Plato||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|DASHIELL HAMMETT||The Thin Man||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|James M. Cain||Double Indemnity||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Primo Levi||Survival In Auschwitz||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Thomas L. Miller, et al.||Let's Go 2004 Germany||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Hamilton, Madison, Jay||The Federalist Papers||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Thomas Wolfe||You Can't Go Home Again||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|William Shakespeare||ROMEO AND JULIET||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Fyodor Dostoyevsky||The Brothers Karamazov||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Geoffrey Chaucer, Nevill Coghill||The Canterbury Tales||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Henry Adams||Democracy||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|T. S. Eliot||The Waste Land and Other Poems||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|George Orwell||Animal Farm||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Harold Bloom||English Romantic Poetry||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|WILLIAM FAULKNER||The Hamlet||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Charles Dickens||Pickwick Papers||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Sigmund Freud||Civilization and Its Discontents||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Ravi Zacharias||The Lotus and the Cross||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY||The Idiot||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Plato, W.K.C. Guthrie||Protagoras and Meno||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Alexander Solzhenitsyn||One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|JOHN UPDIKE||RABBIT REDUX||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|William Shakespeare||Antony and Cleopatra||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Arthur Miller||The Crucible||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Henry James||The Turn of the Screw||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Lynn Hunt, et al.||The Making of the West||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Kenneth S. Krane||Modern Physics||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Richard Phillips Feynman||QED||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Duane Bailey, Duane Bailey||Java Structures||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|DAVID GUTERSON||Snow Falling on Cedars||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|G. L. Kane, Gordon Kane||Supersymmetry||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Mary L. Boas||Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Graham Farmelo||It Must Be Beautiful||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|James Boswell||Boswell's Life of Johnson||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Sinclair Lewis||Main Street||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Douglas R. Hofstadter||Gödel, Escher, Bach||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Thomas H. Cormen, et. al.||Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Whitney S Stoddard||Reflections on the Architecture of Williams College||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Stephen Wolfram||A New Kind of Science||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Daniel Webster, Robert Hayne||Webster-Hayne Debate on the Nature of the Union||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|K. U. Ingard||Fundamentals of Waves and Oscillations||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Ray Kurzweil||The Age of Spiritual Machines||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Montesquieu||Persian Letters||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Petronius||The Satyricon||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|William Wordsworth||Favorite Poems||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Arthur M. Okun||Equality and Efficiency||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|I. Bernard Cohen||Revolution in Science||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Ellen Siever, et. al.||LINUX in A Nutshell||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Joseph Conrad||Lord Jim||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|William Shakespeare||MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Richard Dawkins||The Ancestor's Tale||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Karl Marx||The Marx-Engels Reader||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|T. Harry Williams||Huey Long||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche||The portable Nietzsche||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Randy J. Ray, Pavel Kulchenko||Programming Web Services with Perl||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY||Notes from Underground||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Jonathan Swift||Gulliver's Travels||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|George Sand, Zack Rogow||Horace||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Clyde Pharr||Vergil's Aeneid, Books I-VI||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Mary Wollstonecraft||A Vindication of the Rights of Woman||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Voltaire, Daniel Gordon||Candide||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Robert D. Putnam||Bowling Alone||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Harvey C. Mansfield||A Student's Guide to Political Philosophy||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Francis Fukuyama||Our Posthuman Future||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Wislawa Szymborska||View with a Grain of Sand||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Leo Tolstoy, Richard Pevear||Anna Karenina||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|F. Scott Fitzgerald||TENDER IS THE NIGHT||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE||Goethe's Faust||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Charles Berlitz||German Step by Step||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|William Shakespeare||The sonnets of William Shakespeare||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|H.L. MENCKEN||Mencken Chrestomathy||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Mitchell Cohen, Nicole Fermon||Princeton Readings in Political Thought||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Richard E. Prior, Joseph Wohlberg||501 Latin Verbs||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Henry Strutz||501 German Verbs||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|WILLIAM FAULKNER||Absalom, Absalom!||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|WILLIAM FAULKNER||Intruder in the Dust||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Thomas More, Paul Turner||Utopia||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|JOHN UPDIKE||Rabbit, Run||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Benjamin Franklin||The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Arthur Miller||Death of A Salesman||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Dashiell Hammett||The Maltese falcon||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Albert O. Hirschman||Exit Voice and Loyalty||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Guy Stern, E. F. Bleiler||Essential German Grammar||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Milton Friedman||Capitalism and Freedom||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|LISA JARDINE||Ingenious Pursuits||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Robert L. Heilbroner||The Worldly Philosophers||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Charles Baudelaire||The Flowers of Evil||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|F. A. Hayek||The Road to Serfdom||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Isaiah Berlin||The Hedgehog and the Fox||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|A. E. Housman||The Collected Poems of A. E. Housman||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Jean-Jacques Rousseau||The Social Contract||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Arthur M., Jr Schlesinger||The Imperial Presidency||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|J. R. Varian||Intermediate Microeconomics||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Jon Stewart||America: The Book||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Rich Shapero||Wild Animus||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|D. P. Simpson||Cassell's Latin Dictionary||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|H. W. Janson||History of Art||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Gotthold Ephraim Lessing||Nathan the Wise and Other Plays and Writings||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Bill Emmott||20||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Ernest Hemingway||The Sun Also Rises||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley||Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Simon Winchester||The Professor and the Madman||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|LAURIE R. KING||The Beekeeper's Apprentice||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Garry F. Wills||Nixon Agonistes||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|William Shakespeare||Much Ado About Nothing||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Richard Marius||Martin Luther||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|James Stewart||Calculus||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|TIMOTHY GARTON ASH||The File||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|National Geographic||National Geographic Atlas of the World||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|A.T. Olmstead||History of the Persian Empire||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|God||The Holy Bible||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Soren Kierkegaard||Selections from the Writings of Kierkegaard||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen||Programming Perl||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Halliday, Walker, and Resnick||Fundamentals of Physics||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Hannah Arendt||Eichmann in Jerusalem||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Kevin A. Ring||Scalia Dissents||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|William Blackstone||Commentaries on the Laws of England||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|John C. Calhoun||Union and Liberty||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Kathleen Jamieson||Everything You Think You Know About Politics...||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Edmund Burke||Reflections on the Revolution in France||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Gary Goshgarian||Exploring Language, 10th Edition||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Lewis Porter, et al.||Jazz||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Howard A. Anton, Chris Rorres||Elementary Linear Algebra||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Alfred, Lord Tennyson||Selected Poems||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Hitchens, Caldwell||Left Hooks, Right Crosses||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|||National Geographic Atlas of the World||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|D. H. Lawrence||Sons and Lovers||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Harriosn||Major British Writers||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Raymond Chandler||The Big Sleep||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|David Held||Political Theory Today||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Volkmar Essers||Henri Matisse 1869-1954||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Lewis Carroll||Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Christopher B. Ricks||The Oxford Book of English Verse||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Louis Menand||The Metaphysical Club||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Vincent Descombes, et al.||Modern French Philosophy||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Ralph Baierlein||Thermal Physics||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Erwin Chemerinsky||Constitutional Law Case 2003||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Lawrence E. Cahoone||From Modernism to Postmodernism||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|||Survival, Evasion and Escape||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|ISAAC ASIMOV||Second Foundation||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|John Keats||Selected Letters of John Keats||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Jorge Luis Borges||Labyrinths||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])
|Gabriel Garcia Marquez||One Hundred Years of Solitude||Thompson ([ Evan Miller])