

Study abroad

531 bytes added, 21:52, November 13, 2005
Easily the awesomest place ever--especially Barcelona. Madrid is alright, but I mean, really, Barcelona has the beach and the more attractive people. Barcelona is one of the most walkable cities in Spain, a bit frenchy but everything is just right. Also, it doesn't help that Real Madrid sucks.
Note: this is clearly a partisan battle between those who went to Madrid and those who went to Barcelona. Seems like everyone's happy with the place s/he went. (People have also loved Sevilla, Granada, and Salamanca!)Also, Barcelona apparently has the highest petty crime rate in Europe. Do you want to study abroad and get mugged? I thought not--I would guess you'd feel terrible. (Your dad would too.) Regardless, go abroad to Spain and have the time of your life. Spain is kind of like the poor, lazy, and proud little brother of the rest of developed Europe. Also, lots and lots of Ham in Madrid- especially greasy-spoon-style at the Museo del Jamon, a chain restaurant that has hunks of pig hanging in the window. Hot.
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