


16 bytes added, 03:39, March 15, 2006
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The name "Deviants" was adopted by members of the Williams community who associated themselves with a less mainstream culture, particularly social life. The name was taken from a listserver owned by Jesse Dill '04 and Chris Holmes '03, which was first created to organize [[Driscoll Deviations]], and then gradually became a means to announce social events in general. It is still used for this purpose.
Josh Ain '03 once questioned whether WARP and Deviants, indeed, needed to be separate groups, or at least have separate listservers. In an email he'd sent to both lists, he asked if Deviants was not just, in fact, a subset of WARP. He was, however, within hours of his message so deluged with replies from mildly-indignant non-WARP Deviants that he sent out another email yielding the case. The [[Odd quad]] soon took on a dual identity as Deviants "deviated" from WARP and became accepted by the campus as a group of fun-loving students who sometimes wore a toga to dinner.
Besides the traditional Driscoll Deviations, other events organized or semi-organized by the group included Storytime, as read from the balcony window of Currier Ballroom or in the basement, co-ed naked snowball fights, murder mystery parties, landmark Cribbage matches, screenings of student-made film masterpieces (such as [[The Secret of the Sock Monkey]]), a Bad Poetry Slam, and other events.
Deviants generally reside in the [[Odd quad]], although estranged deviants can be found in other parts of campus.