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Revision as of 23:00, May 13, 2006

This page will tell you how to sprinkle your article with photos, like the Cribbage article does.

  1. To ensure a smooth upload, ensure your photo is a reasonable size. If you open it up with whatever photo program you use, and a zoom of 100% lets you count nose hairs, it's probably too big. 400KB is a decent upper limit on size. Most image programs have resize features to help you out.
  2. Log in
  3. Visit the Special:Uploadfile page.
  4. Select the image from your computer, and give it a unique Destination name. It's a good idea to include the approximate date, e.g., "Jimmy getting funky at Bhangra After-Party - May 2006.JPG")
  5. Add any additional notes in "summary."
  6. IF you've ensured your photo is a reasonable size check the "Ignore warnings" box.
  7. Click "Upload file."
  8. Now your image should be on the server. To include it in your article, just type in something like:
[[Image:Jimmy getting funky at Bhangra After-Party - May 2006.JPG|right|thumbnail|Look at Jimmy go! After-party 2K6.]]

That is, you'll have "Image:" followed by the image name you chose, then a pipe ("|"), then the alignment you want ("left" or "right"), then the size (either "thumbnail" or some number of pixels, like "200px"), then another pipe ("|"), then the caption. All between two brackets. Make sense? You'll get the hang of it in no time, and your articles will be that much more of a pleasure to read.