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Publicizing events

1,030 bytes added, 12:47, November 28, 2006
Second Tier Places
===Best Places for Posters===
Places where people eat are necessary:
*[[Goodrich Hall]]*[[Schow|Goodrich]]*[[Mission Dining Hall|Mission]]*[[Greylock Dining Hall|Greylock]]*[[Driscoll Dining Hall|Driscoll]]*[[Dodd Dining Hall|Dodd]]
Places people frequent are also good:*[[Schow Science Library|Schow]] If you are advertising for classes its , it's best to focus on dorms. First In past years = first year dorms, sophomores = lived in [[Mission Dining Hall|Mission]], and juniors = in the [[Greylock Quad]], seniors but with [[Anchor Housing]], those who hang posters will have to reevaluate these stereotypes. Now, [[Mission Dining Hall|Mission]] is a good place to advertise events for first- good luckyears, since many of them live there any many others go to the snack bar.
===Second Tier Places===
*[[Sawyer Library]]
*[[Jesup Hall]]
*[[Weston Language Center|Weston]]
*[[Chandler Athletic Center]]
*[ WSO Announcements]*[ Daily Advisor]*[ All Campus Calander]*[http://www/cgi-bin/calendar/webevent.cgi?cmd=opencal&cal=cal6& The other All Campus Calander]*[ Daily Messages] ===Methods to Avoid===*[[WSO Blogs]]: Recently reorganized precisely because people were co-opting them with event announcements and publicity, in addition to lost and found, ride requests, etc.* Leaving posters up after the event has occurred. (Old posters are good for use as scrap paper, or for doing problem sets on the blank side.)