Frequently Asked Questions
To access listservs, type /mailman/listinfo after
List Administrators
Please note that as a result of a recent server move, the address to access the admin portal for listservs has changed slightly. Append to the old address to access the admin portal. For example, the admin portal for the wso-staff list was formerly /mailman/admin/wso-staff and is now /mailman/admin/
What's this?
Some of you may have noticed increased spam recently on your listservs. Bots scan websites trying to find emails, and so directly linking to emails can be risky. So, we ask that you manually enter the URL because it would take a sophisticated bot to figure out how to do that. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Building Hours
Hollander & Schapiro Hall: unlocked M - F (6am - 7pm) Student card access: Monday - Thursday 7pm - 12:30am; Saturday 10am - 9pm; Sunday 10am - 12:30am (classrooms available when not reserved)
Stetson Hall 5th Floor: access hours same as Hollander & Schapiro Student card access: Monday - Thursday 7pm - 12:30am; Saturday 10am - 9pm; Sunday 10am - 12:30am (classrooms available when not reserved)
Hopkins Hall: Basement level classroom use available 24/7 (classrooms available when not reserved) Enter through East entrance (facing Thompson Chapel) all other exteriors are secured at approx. 9pm (or when all room reservations have ended)
Environmental Center: unlocked M - Sun. (8am - 7pm) Student card access: 24/7
Paresky: unlocked M - Sun (6am -2am). Student card access: Monday - Thursday 2am - 6am
Griffin Hall: unlocked M - F (6am - 5pm) and per the room reservation schedule. Building is secured when all classrooms are not in use
Jenness & Hardy: unlocked M-F (7am - 6pm) Student card access 24/7
Rice House: card access only Student card access 24/7
Jesup Hall: unlocked M-F (7am - 6pm) Student card access 24/7
Schow Library: unlocked M-Thurs. (8am - 2am); Friday( 8am - 8pm); Sat.. (11am - 8pm); Sun. (11am - 2am)
Sawyer Library: unlocked M-Thurs. (8am - 230am); Fri.(8am - 10pm); Sat. (9am - 10pm); Sun. (9am - 2:30am) Student 24/7 access west entrance to 24 hour student space
Stetson Court Trailer Classrooms: unlocked M - F (8am - 5pm) and per the room reservation schedule