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College Council

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'''College Council''' is the student government organization at Williams. Its website is [].    ==Structure and Representatives== Ordinarily led by two co-presidents, College Council is comprised of a Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Community and Diversity Representative, and Class Representatives. Additionally, the four Neighborhood Board Representatives serve on College Council, until they are phased out in Spring 2013 as a result of the College Council Constitution that was passed in Fall 2012. ===Current Representatives=== '''2013-2014 Council'''  '''All-Campus Representatives:''' Co-Presidents: Adrian Castro '14 and Max Heninger '14 VP of Operations: Matt McNaughton '16 VP of Community & Diversity: Emily Nuckols '15 VP of Student Affairs: Erica Mozskowski '15 and Michael Williams '15 VP of Academic Affairs: Kate Flanagan '14 VP of Student Organizations: Teddy Onserio '14 Treasurer: Emily Dzieciatko '15 Assistant Treasurer: Brian McNamara '15  '''Class Representatives:''' '''Class of 2013:''' Brandon Abasolo '13 Laura Calloway '13 David Michael '13 Sam Teng '13   '''Class of 2014:''' Benjamin Fischberg '14 April Jenkins '14 Stefan Lainovic '14 Gia Recco '14   '''Class of 2015:''' Ryan Barry '15 Clyde Engle '15 Shannon Hsu '15 Rani Mukherjee '15   '''Class of 2016:''' Abigale Belcrest '16 Jessica Bernheim '16 Jesús Espinoza '16 Alphayo Nyarera '16  ----  '''2012-2013 Council''' '''All-Campus Representatives:''' Co-Presidents: Krista Pickett '13 and Peter Skipper '13 Secretary: Adrian Castro '14 Treasurer: Jillie Schwiep '13 Assistant Treasurer: Emily Dzieciatko '15 Community & Diversity: Kate Flanagan '14  '''Class Representatives:''' Class of 2013: Laura Calloway '13 Katie Holmes '13 Kristen Sinicariello '13 Liz Visconti '13  Class of 2014: Emily Calkins '14 Benjamin Fischberg '14 Brian McGrail '14 Gulya Radjapova '14   Class of 2015: Benjamin Augenbraun '15 Erica Moszkowski '15 Kirby Neuner '15 Michael Williams '15  '''First-Year Representatives:''' Williams Hall Representative: Jesús Espinoza '16 Sage Hall Representative: Jessica Bernheim '16 Armstrong/Pratt Representative: Corey Michon '16 Mills/Dennett Representative: Matt McNaughton '16  '''Neighborhood Board Vice Presidents''' Wood Neighborhood: Rani Mukherjee '15 Spencer Neighborhood: Henry Bergman '15 Currier Neighborhood: Max Heninger '14 Dodd Neighborhood: Daniel Yoo '15 ===Past Representatives=== ===Spring 2012 Representatives==='''Officers:''' Co-Presidents: Krista Pickett '13 and Peter Skipper '13 Treasurer: April Jenkins '14 (Spring) and Jillie Schwiep '13 (Fall) Secretary: Adrian Castro '14  '''All-Campus Representatives:''' Community & Diversity: Kate Flanagan '14 Class of 2013: Wen Han '13 (Spring) and Liz Visconti '13 (Fall) Class of 2014: Emily Calkins '14 Class of 2015: Ben Augenbraun '15  '''Neighborhood Representatives:''' Dodd: Stefan Lainovic '14 Spencer: Brian McGrail '14 Wood: Jackie Milian '13 Currier: Caroline Miller '14  '''Freshman House Representatives:''' Sage: Emily Dzieciatko '15 Williams: Henry Bergman '15 Dennett: Rani Mukherjee '15 Mills: Alison Magruder '15 Pratt: Nicole Chen '15 Armstrong: Julia Hoch '15  '''Neighborhood At-Large Representatives:''' Currier: Max Heninger '14 Wood: Benjamin Fischberg '14 Dodd: Benjamin Shuham '14 Spencer: Kaitlyn Carrigan '14 ===Fall 2011=== '''Officers:''' Co-Presidents: Nick Fogel '12 and Francesca Barrett '12 Treasurer: Jack Noelke '13 Secretary: Krista Pickett '13  '''All-Campus Representatives:''' Class of 2012: Amanda Weatherhead '12 Class of 2013: Jay Mehta '13 Class of 2014: Teddy Onserio '14 Community & Diversity: Zach Evans '12  '''Neighborhood Representatives:''' Dodd: Peter Skipper '13 Spencer: Brian McGrail '14 Wood: Adrian Castro '14 Currier: Laura Calloway '13  '''Freshman House Representatives:''' Sage: Hamza Furrukh '15 Williams: Gwen Schultz '15 Dennett: Benjamin Augenbraun '15 Mills: Stephanie Neul '15 Pratt: Alison Smith '15 Armstrong: Isaac Loh '15  '''Neighborhood At-Large Representatives:''' Currier: Max Heninger '14 Wood: April Jenkins '14 Dodd: Benjamin Shuham '14 Spencer: Kaitlyn Carrigan '14 ===Spring 2011=== "'''Officers:''' Co-Presidents: Nick Fogel '12 and Francesca Barrett '12 Treasurer: Jack Noelke '13 Secretary: Krista Pickett '13  '''All-Campus Representatives:''' Class of 2012: Amanda Weatherhead '12 Class of 2013: Jay Mehta '13 Class of 2014: Teddy Onserio '14 Community & Diversity: Zach Evans ’12  '''Neighborhood Representatives:''' Dodd: Cameron Nutting '11 Spencer: Jerusa Contee '11 Wood: Farhan Gilani '12 Currier: Stefan Ward-Wheten '11  '''Freshman House Representatives:''' Sage: Dylan Dethier '14 Williams: Taylor Foehl '14 Dennett: Robbie Feder ’14 Mills: David Stephens '14 Pratt: April Jenkins '14 Armstrong: Anshita Khandelwal ’14  '''Neighborhood At-Large Representatives:''' Currier: James Elish '13 Wood: Charlie Cao '13 Dodd: Liz Vizconti '13 Spencer: Wen Han '13  '''Officers:''' Co-Presidents: Ifiok Inyang and Emanuel Yekutiel Treasurer: Francesca Barrett Secretary: Beryl Manning-Geist  '''Class Representatives:''' Class of 2011: Joey Kiernan Class of 2012: Amanda Weatherhead & Newton Davis Class of 2013: Krista Pickett  '''Minority Concerns Representative:''' Jamal Jefferson  '''Freshman House Representatives:''' Sage: Jack Noelke
==Structure==Williams: James Elish
Ordinarily led by two co-presidents, it includes student representatives of each class, neighborhood, and first year dorm. Council also has a Treasurer, MinCo representative, Secretary and representative from each neighborhood's governance board.Dennett: Wen Han
Mills: Chance Reuger Pratt: Tara Deonauth Armstrong: Omer Khalayleh  '''Neighborhood At-Large Representatives:''' Currier: Mopati Morake Wood: Jerusa Contee Dodd: Lane Wang Spencer: Nick Fogel '''Class of 2012 Members of the Honorary Degrees Committee''' Zach Evans Meghan Breen   ====Fall 2008==== See [[CC Fall 2008]] picture
*Williams: Elizabeth Jimenez '12
  ====Spring 2008====
*Williams: KK Durante '11
====Fall 2007====
Full year positions also served in Spring 2007
See [[CC Fall 2007]] picture
*Sage: Emanuel Yekutiel '11
*Williams: Justin Routt '11
====Fall 2006====
See [[CC Fall 2006]] picture
College Council elections for the Spring 2008 Fall 2012 term will occur February 14were held September 26-15September 28.Results are available at: [[College Council Spring 2008 Election Results]] ===Running=== SelfHere ---nominations will be due February 7; they can be sent to ephelections (at) gmail>https://www. The campaign period will be from February 8 to February 15, when the election period itself will end. The officerships, year-long offices, and semester offices are all up for grabs in Spring]]
The election Elections will be conducted using the BigPulse electronic election system.
*Everyone will receive a link to his/her electronic ballot via his/her email address.
'''Projects for 2011-2012'''   <b><center><u>Great Ideas</u></center></b> <u>Projects Completed</u> 1. New York Times in Paresky It is easy to lose touch with the outside world at Williams. Newspapers in the dining hall allow students to stay informed on current events and feel connected to global issues. Therefore, CC approved funding to bring the New York Times back to Paresky Center beginning in February 2. Staff Appreciation Day Organized the first every Staff Appreciation Day for all of the Staff and Administrators that work at Williams.  3. Gourmet Salads in 82 Grill Worked with Dining Services to provide gourmet salads as a healthy dinner option at 82 Grill. You can know order a salad at the grill with any 4 toppings you want. 4. Resource for Students Questioning Gender or Sexuality Confidential peer support group would allow for students who are questions their sexuality or gender identity/expressions. Support would be constituted by facilitator trained student “allies” who can provide information and personal experience with issues of coming to terms with identity.  5. Public History of Student Advocacy and Historical Photos We hope that by placing photos from student advocacy in Paresky, Williams students can see themselves as inheriting a spirit and history of advocacy and engagement in their community. It would allow students to engage with their community’s history and situate themselves in a narrative of student engagement on campus. 6. Ice Cream at Paresky dinner Ice Cream will be served at Dinner each night in Paresky 7. Expansion of the Video Game Library Invested in renewing the current selection of the Video Game Library 8. Mission Beautification Project Facilities will be planting more trees and flowers down Mission Hill to improve the aesthetics of that section of campus 9. Clarification of Funding between College Council, MinCo, and the MCC Clarified the varying allocations between College Council and the MCC pertaining to the Spring agreement is exchange of funds (see Funding Section)   <u>Projects in Progress</u> 1. Advertising Open Exercise Classes After working to create weekly exercise classes in Zoomba, Yoga, Boot Camp, and other exercise activities, we learned that currently the college has open exercise classes that are available to the student body. Therefore, we will be advertising these resources and creating comment cards for students to fill out if they would like us to continue to pursue creating more available exercise classes.  2. Healthy Vending Machine Collaborated with Dining Services to purchase healthy vending machines that would include yogurt, granola, fruit, and other healthy alternative food and drinks. 3. Finals Returns for All Students  Working with the Committee of Educational Policy and the Committee of Undergraduate Life to create a process in which students are able to receive their finals from professors with comments in an easy and accessible fashion.  4. Mission Ping Pong Table Looking to use Mission Lobby Space more effectively, including purchasing a Ping Pong Table.  5. Mission and Paresky Display Cases Working to bring life back to the drab display cases along the lobby of Mission and in Paresky 6. Before I Graduate Display Working on an installation in Paresky in which students can write things they wish to complete before graduating Williams.  7. Lecture Series given by Professors Regarding Life After Williams and Non-Traditional Life Paths 8. Hobbies and Interests Website CC and WSO has worked together to create a page on WSO that would be specific for Hobbies and Interests of students on campus  9. Inspiration Banner in Paresky 10. Williams ThinkTank Working to form a group of students that come together and discuss major world issues and brainstorm how we can affect them after graduation 11. Expansion of the Stanley Kaplan Foreign Policy Dinners  12. Improving Orange Juice in Paresky Working with Dining Services to improve the quality of orange juice in Whitman’s Dining Hall.  <u>Unsuccessful Projects</u> 1. Campus Puppies We have worked really hard to expand on puppies on campus. However, because of logistical challenges, including the sad fact that puppies grow up into dogs, we are focusing attention to getting more professors to bring puppies to campus.  2. Mission Mural Project Originally wanted to create an outside mural on Mission, however, based on logistical problems, including the weather, painter concerns, and design delegation, such a installation will not be able to occur.  3. Athlete/Non-Athlete Training Room Due to liability and safety issues, a program in which peers help each other in the weight room is not feasible.  4. Schow Fun Room The room is currently used for storage right now, so no additional progress was possible.  <b><u><center>Larger Campus Issues and On-Going Discussions</center></u></b> 1. Forum on the JA/Entry System  Worked with CUL, CDC, and JAAB to put on an all-campus discussion about the goals of an entry and the expectations of Jas. Information gathered from the event will be used to write lasting documents to help JA selection committee, sophomores deciding whether to apply to be a JA, JA’s themselves, freshmen struggling to understand the entry system, and administrators and JAAB members charged with planning JA training. 2. A Forum on Effortless Perfection  A College Council and Minority Coalition collaborative event allowing students a venue to talk about stresses related to effortless perfection. There is an idea on campus that success is measured by excelling in a variety of different venues while appearing relaxed. The pressure to live up to this unrealistic standard often leaves students feeling anxious and inadequate. 3. Conversation Campaign Worked with Peer Health, JAAB, MinCo, Storytime, and other campus groups to promote programs and events that encourage meaningful dialogue on campus and encourage students to interact meaningfully with their peers. These events will include open mics, tea times, lectures, a super story times, and movie showings. 4. I’m Here to Listen Banner and Bracelets Part of the Conversation Campaign (see above). Provided livestrong bands for students to show support for meeting new people and engaging in deeper conversations. 5. Open Microphone on Life Dreams Beyond Williams and Love Stories <b><u><center>College Council</center></u></b><u>Successful Projects</u> 1. Great Ideas Completion through the formation of five Ad-Hoc Committees Every member of College Council member participated in one of five sub-committees, which included the Events Committee, the Aesthetic Committee, the Funding/Fun Things Committee, the Intellectual Engagement Committee, and the Williams History Committee. Through this delegation, every one of the forty great ideas were explored.  2. College Council Communications Team Creation of positions on College Council that will assist the Secretary with advertisements, publicity, and transparency.  3. Changes to Election Debate Cycles In addition to the normal CC/Record Debate, there will be an additional question/answer panel session with all CC Campus candidates.  4.Changes to Election Poster Policy and Campaign Finances In order to ensure fairness within the campaign finance limits, all receipts must be submitted and there will be a postering limit for each position. Additionally, all posters must be stamped through the Office of Student Life.  5. Record Retreat  Helped the Williams Record Organize a retreat with new and old Record writers and managers in order to help communication between different years of the Record. Additionally, created a place for College Council and the new Record board to discuss the transparency between the organizations and the important of the working relationship.  6. Approval of new Clubs: Humanology Journal, Williams Speaks, Williams College Investment Club, Get Baked  <u><b><center>Funding</center></b>Successful Projects</u>1. Cap to the Treasurer Discretionary FundMade changes to the Treasurer Discretionary Fund that states that the fund can have no more than $5000 during the fiscal school year and $5000 over the summer when the Rollover Fund is active.   <u>In Progress </u>1. Institutionalization of Free University Funding Revised bylaws to specify compensation to Free University Director and funding for course instructors to ensure that all classes can receive funding and that the Free University Coordinator is paid for the position. 2. Re-evaluating Fine Structure Explored new options for fines to alleviate costs to innocent students that are accessed for damage to dorms. Main focus is on lessening the punitive charges if the perpetrator is not found.  3. Activism Fund Working with various administrators and students to make funding for off-campus activism more accessible. Recognizing that real-world activism is a vital part of a liberal arts education, CC is working to make trips outside the purple bubble an option for students in the future regardless of their financial situation. Currently, our proposals looks to provide $50 per student or 50% of the total cost.   <b><u><center>Academics</center></u></b><u>In Progress</u>1. Online Faculty Evaluation Form Working with the Committee of Educational Policy to create an online blue sheet, which will be open three to four times throughout the semester. This form would allow for students who would like to anonymously reach out to their professors regarding thoughts about the progress of the course and/or issues regarding the space and safety of the classroom.  2. Transparency of Finals Working with the Committee of Educational Policy to create a process in which students are able to receive their finals from professors with comments in an easy and accessible fashion.  3. FacTrack Improvements Working with WSO to update FacTrack to include a more active Moderator, to update each professor’s profile to include only comments from the previous 4 years, and to more clearly demonstrate the usefulness of FacTrack. <u>Unsuccessful Projects</u> 1. Anonymous Grading After discussing the idea of Anonymous Grading as a means for aiding certain students in the classroom, College Council voted that such an idea would be detrimental to the classroom experience.   <b><u><center>Community</center></u></b> <u>Successful Projects</u>1. Williams Day Resolution for the Institutionalization through the Office of Student Life Created a resolution and contract that allows for the institutionalization of Williams day through the Office of Campus Life in a similar manner as Sophomorientation. Additionally, the purpose and timeline of the event will be provided to the organization committee. College Council will give $5000 for the next two years for the event and then allow for a reevaluation process in 2014 to access the success of Williams Day.  2. Summer Psychological Resources Advocated to have increased and/or more transparent psychological resources for students over the summer. For this summer, the resources will be more transparent and future discussions about how to solve this problem will continue. 3. Official Williams Day Timeline for future Committee  <u>In Progress</u> 1. ACE Concerts Budget We are in the process of re-evaluating the ACE Concert’s budget of $80,000 that provides a single concert during homecoming and whether that is the most effective use of our funds, of community building, and for providing a spectrum of entertainment and concerts for students 2. Community Spaces Outside during Winter Carnival and Winter Study  Because the Ice Rink proved to be unsuccessful (see below), we are working to see whether in future years, there could be other community gathering spaces that would function like the ice rink during winter study. We are still pursuing the idea of having an ice rink solely for Winter Carnival next year as a unified space for activities to occur.   <u>Unsuccessful Projects</u> 1. Ice Rink on Paresky Lawn After months of discussion and negotiations, the Ice Rink of Paresky Lawn proved to be impossible for the entirety of Winter Study both because of the weather this winter, and because of a number of logistical and security reasons.     '''Projects for 2009-2010''' Successful Projects 1. Budget Blitz: CC canvassed the campus for student opinions and priorities for budget cuts and presented the findings to the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Budget Priorities. 2. Ephs for Relief Competition: As part of the Ephs for Relief coalition supporting Haiti, CC helped to facilitate a fundraising competition (including students, alumni, faculty and staff) against Amherst that raised over $18,000 for relief efforts � with over $10,000 of that coming from Williams. 3. Williams After Dark: In spring of 2009, CC representatives developed Williams After Dark, which provides fun and creative non-alcoholic social venues on Friday nights. Events have included Gingerbread house making, Fiesta dance nights, and Bingo. 4. SophomOrientation: In Fall 2009, CC implemented SophomOrientation, a new First Days program that aims to address the psychological, social, and academic challenges of sophomore year. 5. Student Group Application and Constitutions: CC established a new student group application procedure that requires student groups to establish comprehensive constitutions and mission statements. 6. Student Activities Resource Center: CC helped to refurbish the Student Activities Suite on the Second floor of Paresky with comfortable study couches, work spaces, computers, and historical photographs. 7. Neighborhood Forums: As the Neighborhood Review Committee continues to evaluate housing at Williams, CC collaborated with CUL to host a series of forums discussing residential life at Williams.  8. Gender and Sexuality Resource Center: In response to the Mills-Dennett 1 incident, CC has worked with the Queer Student Union, the Women�s Center, and the Senior Staff to establish a Gender and Sexuality Resource Center. In addition, CC resolved to support Gender Neutral Housing, a full-time assistant Director of the Multicultural Center, updated LGBTQ training for JAs and Baxter Fellows, and expanded Queer studies course offerings. 9. Improved Funding Allocation Process: CC redesigned the �subgroup allocation process,� allowing student groups to receive funding without the stress or inequity of the previous system. 10. Mountain Day: CC worked with President Wagner and the Outing Club to save Mountain Day, despite inclement weather forecasts. CC passed a resolution declaring a mandatory Mountain Day during one of the first three Fridays of October. 11. Great Ideas Campaign: CC challenged the campus to come up with great ideas to improve student life at Williams. The campus responded enthusiastically with over twenty ideas, including the Video Game Library, a winter formal, a bike share program, and reusable grab and go bags. 12. Video Game Library: This Great Idea project led to the establishment of a video game rental program. A variety of Xbox 360, Playstation, and Wii games and systems are available, free of charge, through the library. 13. Bike Sharing: This Great Idea project will be implemented after Spring Break 2010. CC initiated and organized a campus bike, helmet, and lock system for students to share bicycles. 14. Reusable Grab and Go Bags: For this eco-friendly Great Idea project, CC collaborated with Dining Services to establish a reusable Grab and Go bag program. Beginning in fall 2010, Grab and Go consumers will be issued a chic nylon bag, in place of the current paper bag system. 15. On-Campus Garden: For this Great Idea project, CC and the Zilkha Center supported several students who will be creating a garden near Dodd in Spring 2010.  16. Olympic Gala: For this Great Idea project, CC collaborated with Campus Life to establish a Winter Formal. 17. Security Visitor Policy: CC worked with Campus Security to revise the student visitor policy to make external visitors more responsible for damages during campus stays. 18. International Student Winter Break Housing: To respond to the need for winter break housing, CC helped to connect international students to off-campus housing options in the Williamstown area. CC has worked with the Dean�s Office and Campus Life to establish a more permanent program.  19. Frosted Hermits: CC inspired joy throughout the campus with the return of Frosted Hermits. 20. Snack Bar Cam: In conjunction with WSO, CC supports the establishment of a Snack Bar Cam to provide a digital monitor of the line length. 21. Religion and Sexuality Discussions: In response to the Athletes� Bible Study separation from Williams Christian Fellowship, CC has worked to facilitate conversations and understanding regarding the intersection of sexuality and religious beliefs on campus. 22. PaperCut: CC has worked with the Zilkha center to expand the allotment of printing for Senior Honors Thesis students and for student organization event advertising. 23. New York Times: CC provided free New York Times to the student body in dining halls during Winter Study, for the first time in recent history. 24. Student-Faculty Interactions: CC collaborated with faculty and members of the Department of Homeland Security to establish light-hearted videos encouraging student-faculty interactions outside of the classroom. 25. Club Sports Training Room Hours: CC worked with the Athletic Department to establish weekly training room hours specifically for club sport athletes. 26. Pints with Profs: CC has worked with faculty to establish the Pints with Profs program to promote student-faculty interactions. Attempted Projects 1. Treadway House: CC voted to support the establishment of Treadway House as an expansion of the Co-op System. This project was unsuccessful due to college budgetary constraints. 2. Cow Towels: When the College planned to remove paper towels, CC planned to replace dormitory paper towels with soft, cotton cow towels. This project was discouraged due to H1N1 outbreaks. 3. Ping-Pong Table in Mission: This project was discouraged due to space availability concerns. Projects in Progress 1. �82 Grille Revitalization: CC continues to work to make the �82 Grille a more accessible student space. 2. Student Art: CC is working to display more student art throughout campus. 3. Sustainable Cups Program: CC is working with Dining Services and the Libraries to provide reduce paper cup waste and encourage more sustainable habits. 4. Committee Meeting Times: CC is working with the Calendar and Scheduling Committee to create committee meeting times to accommodate practice schedules. 5. Lower Goodrich Dance Space: CC is working with the Dance Department and the Dean�s Office to open the Lower Goodrich Dance Studio as a practice space. 6. Log Reopening: CC voted to financially support the Log reopening with $20,000, but this proposal was discouraged by the administration due to hiring freezes.  ===Some Recent Projects:===
* In the spring of 2006 College Council reps accomplished the projects listed here: [[Stuff CC has done]].
* In the spring of 2007, the newly elected College Council Treasurer wrote and distributed the Nurnberg Funding guide to inform all students about the funding sources available at Williams, the most effective methods for requesting money, and how to use the college's voucher, peoplesoft and purchasing card systems. That guide can be found [ here]. ===Projects Completed and Attempted by the 2008 (into Winter Study and Feb. 2009) CC===See the end of term [[Media:2009_pamphlet.pdf|CC 2008-2009 Pamphlet]]  '''Successful Projects'''
* In the spring and fall of 2008, College Council undertook numerous small and large projects. The most expansive project undertaken by that College Council was the [[College Council initiated Permanent Textbook Reserve Program]].
* In the Spring of 2008, College Council worked with members of StandWithUS and other interested parties to create and launch the Committee on Community Interactions (CCI). Here is the [[Committee on Community Interactions Mandate]]. The reporting guidelines and deadlines in the mandate were amended at future CC meetings. The CCI's meeting minutes and current representatives can be found [ here].
* In the Fall of 2008, College Council created a Subcommittee to craft a proposal for a Sophomore Orientation Program. That Subcommittee is currently working on making that proposal a reality. The proposal can be found here: [[College Council Sophomore Orientation Proposal]]
*In the Fall of 2008, College Council also established the Facilities Director Committee. This committee meets monthly with the three directors of facilities to provide a space where students can know what changes are being made in the future, while also providing feedback and concerns that are brought to them by their constituents.
* In the fall of 2008, College Council created an All Campus Social Calendar to inform the student body about events on campus and help organizations in their planning processes. Click [ here] to view the calendar. See the [[All-Campus Social Calendar]] willipedia page for information about how to post an event on the calendar or subscribe to the calendar manager�s weekly upcoming events email.
* During winter study 2009, College Council brought back the snow sculpture competition. See the [[Snow Sculpture Competition]] willipedia page for more information about that competition and pictures of the entries.
* To improve communications between CC and student groups and ensure that all students groups know that CC is dedicated to supporting them, interested in advocating on their behalf and determined to address issues important to them, CC created the CC liaison program in the Spring of 2008 and continued the program in the Fall of 2008. Through this program, all CC members were assigned to be a liaison to a few large student groups. Each liaison is responsible to making contact with the groups he or she represents and determining the best way to foster good communication and effective collaboration between CC and the group the liaison is responsible for representing. Suggested methods of contact include meeting with the group�s leadership a few times a semester or attending the group�s meetings a few times a semester.
* In the Spring and Fall of 2008, College Council worked with the Office of Campus Life and Neighborhood Governance Boards to improve the neighborhood transfer process. Aiming to increase the fairness of the process, make the process more objective, improve the chances that students are able to live with their friends, and add additional student choice to the system, CC the Office of Campus Life and the Neighborhood governance boards created a new transfer system to be implemented beginning in the Spring of 2009. The details of that proposal and new policy can be found on the [[Neighborhood Transfer Process]] page.
* In the Spring and Fall of 2008, CC worked with members of the senior staff�including the Provost, Dean of the Faculty and Dean of the College�to improve the college�s support for club sports teams, ensure that club sport coaches received fair salaries that were annually adjusted for cost of living changes, and create a formal and fair process for approving and recognizing new club sport teams. As part of this process, the senior staff and CC officially defined categories of club sports teams and outlined the support provided by the college to each category of team. See the willipedia page on [[Club Sports Policies]] for the result of this work.
* Book Drive for the 1914 Library: At the end of the Fall 2008 semester, CC organized a book drive and collected 71 books from students to be donated to the 1914 library.
* 101 Things You Wish You Knew: CC created this guide to distribute to incoming freshmen over the summer. The book is designed to share useful information that students pick up during their years at Williams.
* College Council Liason to Mass MOCA: CC created a liaison position to increase student usage of Mass MOCA.
* Ready-Made Lunches (evolution of lunch equivalency): Working with Dining Services, CC created a new lunch option for students with scheduling conflicts. With this program, students can arrange to pick up lunch between 2pm and 4pm on weekdays.
* Computers in Goodrich and second cash to card machine in Paresky: CC arranged for computers to be put in Goodrich and worked with Dining Services to install a second cash to card machine in Paresky.
* Faculty / Staff / Administrator Awards: CC revived the tradition of annually presenting awards to staff, faculty, and administrators who demonstrate a commitment to the student body.
* Formalizing the Lyceum Program: To ensure the continuation and smooth operation of the Lyceum program, CC created a formal procedure for selecting, setting guidelines for, overseeing and training the Lyceum managers. The managers will now be selected in the spring appointments process.
* Reforming the Student Group Approval Process: To ensure the fairness of the process, CC now gives all prospective groups hearings before the full CC. Under the old system, full discretion resided with the CC treasurer.
* 1914 Library Reform: CC proposed amending the school�s policy that prevents the 1914 Library from using the proceeds of sales of books in its collection that can no longer be used for classes to benefit the 1914 Library. In the past, money from those sales was just put into the school�s operating budget. Thus, the 1914 Library did not do the significant work necessary to make the sales. Under the proposal pushed by CC, the 1914 Library would be able to use that money to add to its book collection�without the school decreasing its current or future financial contributions to the library. The Provost's office agreed to change the policy. Thus, going forward, the 1914 Library will be able to sell its unneeded books and use the proceeds to purchase books for the 1914 Library collection.
'''Unsuccessful Projects'''
* Convenience Store: Since this project would require a large initial investment and produce little profit, the overall benefit of this project is not greater than its cost to the school. Thus, it would not have been able to offer lower prices than Ephporium. In addition, the school was unwilling to directly compete with Ephorium.
* Donation Reform: Recognizing the College�s need to raise unrestricted funds, CC proposed allowing alumni to earmark a maximum of 50% of their donations to the school for any officially recognized student groups. The earmarks per alumnus would be capped at a maximum of $50 per alumnus per year. CC believed that this would increase the number of alumni donating to the school, increase the resources available to student groups and not take too much away from the school�s unrestricted fundraising�-if it encouraged more alumni to donate, it might even add to the unrestricted fundraising. Unfortunately, the administration worried that this program would encourage groups to directly solicit money from alumni and substantially detract from the pool of unrestricted donations. Since the school wants one point of contact with alumni and is determined to maximize its unrestricted funds, this project was unsuccessful.
* Lunch Equivalency: This program was rejected because there are already many lunch options and it would create a great financial burden on Dining Services. See the ready made lunches bullet for the compromise that was reached.
* Term Bill Laundry System: This project�putting laundry costs on term bills�was brought to the Senior Staff and tentatively rejected. The school recommended resubmitting a more environmentally friendly program. The project also faces substantial financial hurdles. A substantial initial investment would be required to put this system in place.
* Concerts Endowment: This project progressed well through the spring and over the summer. By the beginning of the fall, CC had worked with administrators and altered it into a more flexible fund for any type of performance. The project had taken hold and was progressing nicely. Then the financial markets collapsed in September. As other financial priorities took over, this was put on hold. Given its initial success, it should be taken up when market conditions improve.
==Historic CC Pictures==
See [[Historic CC Pictures]] page.