
(Redirected from Housing)

Chronological order of College Buildings

See here for a list of when each building was built. Also links to list of renovations, capacity, square feet, etc.


<googlemap version="0.9" lat="42.714606" lon="-73.203707" type="satellite" zoom="15"> 42.710349, -73.209468, Agard House 90 South St 42.712438, -73.207397, Brooks House 983 Main St 42.712667, -73.207698, Weston Language Center 42.714196, -73.204919, Sage Hall 42.714835, -73.204747, Williams Hall 42.717341, -73.203524, Thompson Hall 42.717806, -73.20169, Poker Flats 42.713755, -73.203321, Sawyer Library 42.713573, -73.202451, Stetson Hall 42.71243, -73.205327, West College (A) 42.716703, -73.203889, Armstrong House (P) 42.716727, -73.203374, Pratt House (M) 42.716616, -73.202795, Mills House (D) 42.716403, -73.20243, Dennett House (B) 42.713904, -73.208256, Bryant House (H) 42.714188, -73.208685, Mark Hopkins House (C) 42.714543, -73.208417, Carter House (G) 42.714858, -73.208073, Gladden House 42.712123, -73.21082, Garfield House 42.710546, -73.20213, Propsect House 42.711429, -73.202205, East College 42.71094, -73.202398, Fayerweather Hall 42.710743, -73.201572, Fitch House 42.71124, -73.201346, Currier Hall 42.710318, -73.201647, Driscoll Dining Hall 42.714322, -73.204018, Chapin Hall 42.714283, -73.203675, Bernhard Music Center 42.712738, -73.203095, Hopkins Hall 42.712698, -73.202473, Thompson Memorial Chapel 42.71243, -73.201904, Griffin Hall 42.713037, -73.205187, President's House 42.712265, -73.205971, Clark Hall 42.714827, -73.201121, Dodd House 42.714653, -73.201861, Goodrich House </googlemap>

Student Housing

Other Buildings
