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Lehman Community Service Council

Revision as of 15:35, October 14, 2005 by Bchang3 (talk | contribs)

Lehman Community Service Council Betsy was here 9/21/05

ATTENTION: GROUPHEADS You can click on the appropriate link to your group and begin editing that page, adding contacts, dates, and other useful information as written in your grouphead manual.

∑ Thoughout the manual you may see _____ after prompts to write down any useful information. We do this because *you* know better than anyone the most pertinent information for your group. As mentioned in the continuity section, this information becomes a valuable resource in the future.
∑ WSO has created a wiki. Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Basically it means that even the most technology challenged individual can update a page. ∑ Wiki technology is relevant to you because it allows you to update your group’s page full of this information.
∑ The Lehman Community Service Council wiki page is located at o Or you can go to the WSO homepage and click on the Wiki link on the sidebar. And do a search for Lehman Community Service Council.
∑ At the Lehman wiki page are links to all of your groups. ∑ You can click on the appropriate link to your group and begin editing that page, adding contacts, dates, and other useful information. ∑ Directions on editing a page are located at It really is as easy as clicking ‘edit this page’ , typing onto the page, and then clicking ‘save page’. o Whenever you click ‘edit this page’, a tool bar will come up that will allow you to add any fancy formatting, like links or images if you so choose. ∑ We will at the end of the year compile any of the edits that have been made and update accordingly next year’s group head manual.

Current service opportunities include:



Berkshire Community Action Council Emergency Pharmacy Program

Contact: Freba Farhat (09fzf)

Bone Marrow Registry

Contact: Alan Rodrigues (07arr)

Chrysalis Community

Contact: Alissa Caron (06arc) and Meghan Ryan (06mcr) Listserv: Chrysalis is a new advanced-stage AIDS care center set on 108 acres in Pownal, VT. Here, residents receive loving support, embrace the process of living and dying, and explore the possibility of spontaneous healing. The community is run through the devotion of the founder, Sunshine Wohl. Volunteers visit each Saturday for about 3 hours to help with outdoor work, computers, outreach, arts projects, to spend time with the residents, and perform other tasks as needed. An important project for this year is to convert the old barn into a community center.

Elizabeth Freeman Center

Contact: Julia Chabrier (06jrc) Elizabeth Freeman Center is a countywide agency that provides counseling, advocacy, emotional, educational, vocational and economic services for anyone affected by sexual assault. They oppose violence, harassment, and discrimination, and they promote the physical and emotional safety of all people. They strive to provide a haven and a communication network for all people regardless of gender, age, race, color, class, religion, or sexual orientation. Services include a 24-hour sexual assault hotline, a safe shelter, the family law project, personal economic planning courses, and the Athletes Against Abuse outreach project.

North Adams Hospital

Contact: Lucy Green ( The hospital needs volunteers to work within the different hospital units (admissions/emergency, volunteer department, psychiatric center). Students who play an instrument or have other special skills are particularly welcome. Volunteer tasks include helping out with small errands, transporting patients, conducting patient activities, etc. Volunteers may have to wait until spring semester to begin working at the hospital due to the availability of training sessions. After training, volunteers can work any time, day or night, and usually commit about 4 hours per week.

REACH Community Breast Health

Contact: Krista Nylen (07kmn) Volunteers work with the REACH Community Health Foundation to provide breast cancer education at local food pantries, homeless shelters, and stores, and to register women for free mammograms. Timing is flexible and the commitment is minimal.

Sweetbrook Nursing Home

Contact: Drew Raab (06par) Volunteers bring enthusiasm, companionship, and a friendly face to the elderly who live in this nursing home. Volunteers are needed to chat with residents, challenge someone to a game of checkers, or read magazines or newspapers aloud. Anyone who is willing to give an hour each Sunday to brighten up the day of an elderly person is welcome.

Williams College Rape and Sexual Assault Network

Contact: Christina Brakken-Thal (06cb) The Network is a student-run organization dedicated to supporting survivors of sexual assault and rape, supporting loved ones of survivors, and educating the Williams College community about rape and sexual assault. The network is made up of about 40 Williams College students (female and male!) who each contribute to planning events and counseling peers. Major activities include running a 24-hour support hotline, promoting awareness on campus through special fora and entry talks, conducting outreach to local high schools, and planning the annual Take Back the Night event during the spring.


Contact: Alan Rodrigues (07arr) Listserv:


Habitat for Humanity

Contact: Matthew Wibbenmeyer (07mjw), Uzaib Saya (08uys) Listserv: Habitat volunteers help build and rehabilitate houses to be sold at no profit to low-income families who otherwise would not be able to afford a home. Project: The Williams College and Northern Berkshire chapters of Habitat need student volunteers from 9:00-12:00 every Saturday to construct their new house on Hall Street in Williamstown.

Hats for the Homeless

Contact: Emily Brown (08ejb)

Louison House

Contact: Sadie Miller (smiller) Louison House is a homeless shelter in Adams. Volunteer responsibilities range from helping a person write a resume to playing with kids and organizing food drives. A volunteer is also needed to help with case work and basic office assistance in North Adams.


Berkshire Food Project

Contact: Elissa Klein (06eak) The Berkshire Food Project, started by Williams students in the 80s, continues to serve food to low income local residents. Volunteers serve lunch, eat and talk with the clients, and clean up afterwards. Group go to North Adams from the Chaplain's Office every Monday, Thjursday, and Friday at 11:30 and return by 1:00. Volunteers are welcome on any and all of these days, but should contact in advance.

Williamstown Food Pantry

Contact: Allison Farley (06aef) Located just at the edge of campus at St.Patrick's Church, the food pantry is crucial to the Williamstown area, regularly distributing meals to 14-20 families regardless of their religious affiliation. Students are needed on Wednesdays from 1:00-3:00 to help stock shelves at at major distribution times (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter) to distribute food.

W.R.A.P.S. (Williams Recovery of All Perishable Surplus)

Contact: Alison Koppe (07amk) Listserv: WRAPS is the not-so-obvious acronym for "Williams Recovery of All Perishable Surplus." Four nights a week, a team of two volunteers picks up all the unserved food from the dining halls and transports it to three community organizations in North Adams who have need of it: COTY (Church Outreach to Youth), a center for at-risk teens and preteens, the Louison House (a temporary home for homeless individuals) and the North Adams Salvation Army. Each run takes about an hour and a half, and each volunteer goes once every two weeks.College van licenses are helpful but not required.


Roosevelt Institute

Contact: Prassanna Raman (08pr) & Megan Brankley (08meb)


Contact: Jane Lole (08jyl) The Williams chapter of Rotaract International, a worldwide network of service clubs for college students, works with the Williamstown Rotary to carry out international service and awareness programs in the greater Williamstown community. Volunteers run advocacy campaigns, fundraising programs, establish international pen pals programs with local youth, and may launch a new international service trip.

World Partnership Walk

Contact: Faaiza Lalji (08fl), Aleha Aziz (07aaa)


Caretaker Farm

Contact: Kendell Newman (08kln) Located in South Williamstown, this 35-acre farm has operated as an organic vegetable farm for more than 35 years. Caretaker is now a community-supported agriculture (CSA) farm, providing portions of the annual harvest of veggies, fruits, flowers and other farm products to more than 200 local family shareholders. They are also working on renewable energy projects on the farm. The Smiths can always use help planting, weeding, and harvesting, and working at Caretaker is guaranteed to be fun and enlightening.

Forest Garden

Contact: Erin Blanchard (06eeb)


Contact: Alexis Saba (06aes), Elise Leduc (06enl) Web site The Williams College student environmental organization coordinates a number of community service activities. Projects vary each year, but include campus research and advocacy campaigns, community outreach and education, river and highway clean-ups, and planning the annual Williamstown Earth Day celebrations.

Hoosic River Watershed Association

HooRWA is dedicated to restoration, conservation, and enjoyment of the Hoosic River and its watershed, through education, research, and advocacy. They run a wide range of even ts throughout the year and perform a lot of trail and river maintenance. Contact: Eileen Fielding

Berkshire Humane Society

Contact: Justin Lavner (06jal), Elizabeth Hewett (06ekh) Listserv: The Humane Society provides a safe place for abandoned animals and various services for pet owners. Volunteers can help weekly with pet training, walking, kennel monitoring, cleaning, and other tasks, as well as with the fundraising Humane Race.

Outdoor Outreach

Contact: Lauren Moscoe (07ljm) Listserv: Outdoor Outreach is run by the Williams Outing Club and the Williamstown youth Center to provide trust-building, fun, educational outdoor activities to children in the surrounding areas. These outdoor education and adventure classes will include hiking, canoeing, an overnight trip, rock climbing, and WOC's challenge low ropes course~! Classes run during the first and fourth quarters. Time commitment is 4 hours on each of four Saturday afternoons plus one overnight.

Williams Outing Club Trail Crew

Contact: Will Wetzel (06wcw) and Reed Harrison (06rmh) Web site WOC runs occasional trail crew parties to help maintain important local recreational areas. They are a great contribution to the local area and are a lot of fun. Trail crews typically work on Saturdays, though special arrangements can be made for interested groups.

==Williamstown Rural Lands Foundation== WRLF is a community land trust and enviornmental education organization. They have a beautiful new center at Sheep Hill (located on Route 7 south of Williamstown). They also help maintain several local trails, advise residents on conservation practices and land restrictions, purchase land for preservation, and are working on increasing affordable housing in the area. Contact: Juliana (413) 458-2494


Adult Literacy and Adult Learning Program

Contact: Ikem Joseph (06itj) After a brief training period, students are paired with an adult to help with literacy, ESL, or GED preparation. Tutors meet one-on-one with those they tutor for one hour per week at a mutually convenient time and location.

Best Buddies

Contact: Ezra Burch (07eab) Listserv: This program builds friendships between college students and people with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. Volunteers build close and lasting relationships with their buddies by going to the movies, sports events, concerts, museums and their social activities. Buddies talk on the phone once a week and meet twice a month for about 2 hours each time. No car is needed.

Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic

Contact: Nathan Friend (07ndf) Jeff Owens (458-3641) This is a national organization that produces tape recordings of written texts for the blind community and those with dyslexia. The Williamstown branch is always in need of volunteer to read texts aloud and to monitor machinery. The weekly commitment is typically two hours and the schedule is very acommodating.


ABC House Tutoring

Contact: Natalie Vokes (07niv), Brendan Mulrain (07btm) The national A Better Chance (ABC) program, provides increased educational opportunites for high school students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The program has established a residence on Hoxsey Street in Williamstown so eight of these students can attend Mt. Greylock High School. Volunteers tutor the ABC House students in a wide range of subjects and as often as needed. The time commitment is about two hours, one night a week, and the house is a short walking distance from campus.

America Reads/America Counts

Contact: Sara Kazanjian (06sjk), Jenny Gimian (08jmg_2) These national programs are both federal work study and volunteer opportunities. Volunteers can work either in the classroom as teacher's assistants or after school in one-on-one tutoring and mentoring programs. Williams volunteers work at Williamstown Elementary, Hancock Elementary (just south of Williamstown), Pownal Elementary (just north), and North Adams public schools. The time commitment ranges from one to several hours per week.

Berkshire Arts and Technology Charter School

Sadie Miller (smiller)

Berkshire Farm Center and Services for Youth

Contact: Estalyn Marquis (06esm) Berkshire Farm is a group home and school for about 250 boys aged 12-17 all from New York State. They are placed in the home for a variety of reasons including family difficulties, school troubles, drugs, and gang involvement. Williams students tutor the boys in reading, writing, math, Spanish, and for SAT prep courses.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters

Contact: Jose Pacas (08jdp) and Corey Levin (08cml) Williams students are paired wiht a student from a local elementary school. Volunteers become close and highly respected friends to these children who need a reliable and caring role model. A Big can help a child discover a world of possibilities and opportunites simply by being a genuine friend. Volunteers do not need a car to participate, but must commit to one meeting a week with their little sibling.

Boy Scouts

Contact: Sean Carollo (07sac) The local troop welcomes student volunteers as troop leaders, outdoor trip guides, and skills teachers. The scouts are always eager to meet Williams students with scouting experience, and time commitment can vary from a few weeks to a few years. The troop meets on Thursdays at 7:00pm at St. Patrick's Church.

Conte Middle School Tutoring

Contact: Elizabeth Doran (06ead_3) Volunteers at this North Adams middle school work one-on-one with students having academic difficulties in a variety of subjects. Tutoring sessions are held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30, and volunteers are welcome for any or all of these days.

Days at College

Contact: Pam Vachatimanont (07vv) Work with children in grades 6-10 from NYC and Vermont to raise thier awareness of the possibility of college, the wide range of college options, and the necessary skills for succeeding in high school and college. School groups visit Williams for a simulated day at college.

Girl Scouts

Contact: Volunteers are needed to lead, co-lead, or assistant lead troops of 5-12 girls ranging in age from 5-18 years. The time commitment is 2-3 hours per week. No previous scouting experience is necessary, just excitement and the desire to have fun with and be a role model for these girls.

Hughes Science Foundation Tutoring

Contact: Jennifer Swoap ( Run through the Biology department but open to students of any discipline, this program allows Williams students to work with local elementary school teachers to create lesson plans and teach classes in the sciences and computer technologies. Time commitment for these paid positions begins at two hours per week. Teaching session occur during the school day and transportation is provided.

Mt. Greylock High School

Contact: Laura Wagner (07ldw) Students can volunteer each week during the school day at their convenience to work one-on-one with high school students with various learning disabilities. A van leaves from Chapin at 2:30 and returns by 4:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

P.A.W. Pals at Pownal Elementary School

Contact: Tyler Gray (07tcg) PAW Pals is a big brother/big sister program in Pownal, VT. Williams students spend one hour a week (or more) one-on-one with elementary school students, either at lunch or after school. Volunteers provide a dependable support and mentor for the children, and together they do fun stuff like playing basketball and board games or doing art projects.

KidsSpace at MassMoCA

Contact: Priyanka Bangard (07pb) Kidspace is an art gallery and studio space designed especially for kids and families. Kidspace staff work closely wiht North Adams teachers to integrate the study of contemporary art and art making into the curriculum, and they host class field trips for all North Adams schoolchildren. Kidspace is also open to the public.

Pownal Elementary After-School Program

Contact: Sadie Miller This program is a great opportunity to begin teaching elementary school students. Volunteers design and teach their own class to a group of K-3 or 4-6 grade students. The program begins in January, when volunteers can teach one or two days a week. Past courses have included cooking, Native American culture, Around the World, the Homework Club, and Structure.

Pen Pals

Contact: Carol Rosenberg (06cer_3), Alexis Saba (06aes) Write monthly letters to students from Brayton Elementary in North Adams and be a lasting impact in their lives.

Stamford School

Contact: Matt Piven (07mbp) With 90 students in grades K-8, this Vermont school (only 15 minutes away) lacks the funds to hire full-time teachers in a variety of subjects. Volunteers can teach, tutor, and play with students, who are excited to meet and learn from young role models. Volunteers are especially needed to teach US history during the day and art and writing after school. Hours are flexible, ranging from every week to a few days per semester.

Williamstown Youth Center

Contact: William Bruce (08wbb) Founded by Williams students almost 100 years ago, the WYC now relies largely on Williams volunteers as sports coaches, tutors, summer camp leaders, and art, dance, yoga and acting teachers for boys and girls aged 4-16


Contact: Natalie Vokes (07niv) & Priyanka Bangard (07pb)


Hurricane Relief Coalition

Contact: Alissa Caron (06arc) Web site

Community Corps

Contact: Megan Brankley (08meb) & Prassanna Raman (08pr)

Images Cinema

Contact: Ruth Giordano (458-1039) The only year-round, non-profit, independent film house in the Berkshires. Last year we organized the Canned Film Festival and other collection drives with Images, and SSJ has begun work with Images for their Social Justice Film Series. Working with the theatre can take many forms, from cleaning and maintenance to taking and organizing canned food drives.